
角田 直子 (つのだ なおこ)






一方、カリフォルニアでランドスケープアーキテクチャー(景観学)を学ぶ間、genius loci (ゲニウス・ロキ)-土地の守護神、精霊-に問いかけてデザインするということを知り、自然との対話が始まる。

2005年 独学で写真を始め、北カリフォルニアを拠点にアメリカ大自然の写真を中心に作品を撮りためる。

2008年 写真集「sand planet」出版

2010年 拠点を日本に移す。

2010年 グループ展「Home Comings」サンフランシスコ日本領事館

2011年 キヤノン企業カレンダー世界版作家

2012年 個展「ゲニウス・ロキ -地球に宿る精霊達―」コニカミノルタプラザ 同内容の写真集出版

2014年 個展「Light Magic -神秘のモノ湖-」コニカミノルタプラザ

2016年 個展「White Sands -息づく砂丘-」コニカミノルタプラザ

2018年 グループ展「Photographic Art Asia展」Gallery5610

2018年 二人展「春日広隆・角田直子フォトグラフィー展」アトリエKASUGA




UC Berkeley Extension Landscape Architecture Program卒業







Naoko Tsunoda was born in Kagawa Prefecture, Japan. When her husband’s work took him to America, she followed and resided in Texas and California for over 10 years. America’s majestic natural beauty greatly moved her and she became keenly aware of the importance of nature. Teaching herself photography in 2005, she developed a collection of landscape photographs. In 2010, she returned to Chiba, Japan where she continues her photographic work.


2018 Hirotaka Kasuga & Naoko Tsunoda Photography Exhibition, Atelier KASUGA

2018 Photographic Art Asia Exhibition, Gallery5610

2016 “White Sands”, Konica Minolta Plaza

2014 “Light Magic”, Konica Minolta Plaza

2012 “Genius Loci”,  Konica Minolta Plaza

2010 Group Exhibition, Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco

She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from Chiba University in Japan and a Certificate Degree in Landscape Architecture from the University of California, Berkeley Extension in the United States.


“I always converse with nature in my heart when exploring an area I hope to photograph. Nature listens, leads me to beautiful places, and shows me moments that literally shine. She always treats me warmly as I pursue my hard, lonely work as a nature photographer. It is my pleasure to share the work that nature and I have created together. I sincerely hope that such beautiful scenery will always be a part of the world.”



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